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Wake bodies (f+g)

The following computations consider a combination of one vertical bar of height $0.6h$ and an airfoil-shaped wake body of length $3.0h$ and height $0.8h$, $1.2h$ downstream of the flap. The wake body is located vertically centered to the Gurney (wake body I) or shifted $0.2h$ downwards (wake body II).

The introduction of such bodies in the wake provides a significant reduction of drag ($73\%$ to $85\%$) which is associated with an almost complete suppression of the flow structures in the wake (fig. [*]). The drag reduction can be achieved even though separation occurs on the lower surface of wake body I indicating a suboptimal design. Due to an occurring recirculation bubble, the lift fluctuations are not damped by this configuration.

Table: Integral quantities, non-dimensional frequency and relative drag gain computed for the HQ17 airfoil with modified Gurney-flaps.

     $\overline{c_l}$  $c_l\,'$   $\overline{c_d}$   $\frac{\Delta c_d}{\Delta c_{d,Gurney}}$  $St$
a)   $0.636$  $0.0000$  $0.0080$     $0.117$
b)   $0.855$  $0.0044$  $0.0113$  $\pm 0$  $0.115$
c)   $0.848$  $0.0087$  $0.0101$  $-36\%$  $0.118$
d)   $0.847$  $0.0007$  $0.0101$  $-36\%$  $0.120$
e)   $0.835$  $0.0009$  $0.0117$  $+12\%$  $0.130$
f)   $0.829$  $0.0082$  $0.0089$  $-73\%$  $0.129$
g)   $0.840$  $0.0005$  $0.0085$  $-85\%$  $0.114$

Figure: Iso-contours of vorticity in the wake of Gurney-flaps with modifications.

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Markus Schatz 2004-07-08