Welcome to the research pages of the Acoustics group at the HFI. Here you can find a comprehensive overview of the methods employed within our group, a selection of application examples, and details of our external co-operations. At the moment this does not fully represent the full breadth of our comprehensive research activities, however we are currently in the process of updating this, and more application examples are expected soon. Until then, an idea of our considerable current and past research involvement can be obtained from the list of publications. For students, we also offer numerous opportunities for project and thesis work, including placements abroad. Overview of method
Application examples / research topics
Summary of AIAA 2004-2926 Summary article in CD-Adapco "Dynamics" magazine, issue 24 Present research projects
VALiant, VALidation amd Improvement of Airframe Noise prediction Tools - (English only) TURBJet, Numerical Simulation of a Supersonic Jet at High Reynolds Number with Turbulent Inflow Conditions - (English only) CoJen, Calculation of coaxial Jet noise DFG-CNRS, Noise Generation in turbulent flows
Recent research projects
Frequenz, Simulation des Strahllärms bei gezahnten Düsen PROBAND, Improvement of fan broad-band noise prediction TurboNoiseCFD, Turbomachinery Noise Source CFD Models for Low Noise Aircraft Engine Designs Swing/Swing+, Simulation of Wing-flow Noise Generation Co-operations abroad
Contact information